Thursday, August 30, 2018

Summer 2018 Comes to a Close

Well, the summer finally came to a close.

I want to thank anyone who followed all these blog entries and enjoyed the time I spent with my daughter over the summer.

It was a summer of high flying rockets, minecraft creations, church functions, fat free yogurt, stargazing, and just watching my daughter be a 12 year old girl.

I made a Minecraft model of a lot of the things that were part of the summer for my daughter. We sat down and went through each spot. Maybe she'll look at them in the future, maybe not. I had fun making the map over the summer though! She seemed to be pleased with it as well!

Thanks again for reading!
(First day of Seventh Grade!)

Thursday, August 9, 2018

July Roundup

Since Elizabeth's birthday, summer has been going well.
I remember my summer when I was her age. It was all about riding my bike to the mall, looking at PC games, and collecting baseball cards. I guess what's different now is that she and I spend all our time together, whereas I wasn't too inclined to seek my parents attention a lot (they were constantly working and I was going in a much different direction than Elizabeth).

One thing we do constantly is go out and eat, and mom has been taking me and Elizabeth out to a yogurt place a whole lot. It's called Del'ishi and they make really good frozen yogurt.

My wife and I are spending a bit of time with Elizabeth. We've spent a couple of days out of the past two weeks with her together, and I feel blessed and thankful that my wife and her stepdaughter can bond together, laugh, and joke around.

My mom bought these rockets that fly into the air really high a while back. We brought them out
just this summer (they were purchased a year ago!) and Elizabeth has taken to them. More than
a few days since we brought them back, she's asked "Can we go fly the rockets?" They were such a
thing that mom bought us some SUPER HIGH FLYING ROCKETS. I love playing with these things with my daughter.

Church is a feature of my daughter's life, which I'm thankful for. I'm glad the Lord has made
church important to her, and she's fitting into the class there well. They visited a trampoline park in High Point called "Get Air" and she enjoyed it.

Creativity is not in short supply with my daughter! Back when she was a toddler and on up in her years, she's been a fan of Minecraft. Recently we brought back a map that we worked on a long time ago, and updated it to actually include an aquarium! I love having these shared projects that we work on together. I told her bringing out these maps was like looking at models we've made together.

So summer is coming along, it bring back memories and gives me a bit of nostalgia, and so far Elizabeth has been a really happy girl, and above all I thank the Lord for helping forge these family memories.