Thursday, August 9, 2018

July Roundup

Since Elizabeth's birthday, summer has been going well.
I remember my summer when I was her age. It was all about riding my bike to the mall, looking at PC games, and collecting baseball cards. I guess what's different now is that she and I spend all our time together, whereas I wasn't too inclined to seek my parents attention a lot (they were constantly working and I was going in a much different direction than Elizabeth).

One thing we do constantly is go out and eat, and mom has been taking me and Elizabeth out to a yogurt place a whole lot. It's called Del'ishi and they make really good frozen yogurt.

My wife and I are spending a bit of time with Elizabeth. We've spent a couple of days out of the past two weeks with her together, and I feel blessed and thankful that my wife and her stepdaughter can bond together, laugh, and joke around.

My mom bought these rockets that fly into the air really high a while back. We brought them out
just this summer (they were purchased a year ago!) and Elizabeth has taken to them. More than
a few days since we brought them back, she's asked "Can we go fly the rockets?" They were such a
thing that mom bought us some SUPER HIGH FLYING ROCKETS. I love playing with these things with my daughter.

Church is a feature of my daughter's life, which I'm thankful for. I'm glad the Lord has made
church important to her, and she's fitting into the class there well. They visited a trampoline park in High Point called "Get Air" and she enjoyed it.

Creativity is not in short supply with my daughter! Back when she was a toddler and on up in her years, she's been a fan of Minecraft. Recently we brought back a map that we worked on a long time ago, and updated it to actually include an aquarium! I love having these shared projects that we work on together. I told her bringing out these maps was like looking at models we've made together.

So summer is coming along, it bring back memories and gives me a bit of nostalgia, and so far Elizabeth has been a really happy girl, and above all I thank the Lord for helping forge these family memories.

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